When it comes to the digital world and shopping, our thoughts go straight away to e-commerces. But how to support a network of physical stores online? With a strategy that aims at loyalty and promotions enhancement. And the Bialetti small man, historical symbol of the brand, laughs up its sleeve.

The briefing

Bialetti asked us to support its one-branded store chain with a digital strategy. Nowadays it’s in strong expansion in Italy and abroad, strengthening the loyalty offer and giving visibility to news, offers and promotions.

The approach

On the site, designed and created by Olojin, the vibe is cheerful and colourful, like in Bialetti store. Offers, proposals and promotions, the latest news such as the opening of new stores, the launch of new products: these are all highlights. Each point of sale also has its own dedicated card, to communicate promotions and events. The back end allows you to keep the site up to date in a simple and fast way. The site is animated by a social wall that aggregates Facebook and Instragram posts, communicating offers and creating engagement with fans.

The extra idea

We have enriched loyalty by increasing the range of services to the public. Users can now apply directly online for their loyalty card, and consult their profile to see the balance of points and the history of the rewards achieved. The data are automatically synchronized with the cash register of the points of sale, to allow a real time update. Progressive profiling allows Bialetti to collect new personal data, and its customers to earn more points by answering simple questions about their lifestyle.


Communicating in connection means not stopping at one single social media platform. To inform about offers and initiatives on the site, Olojin also manages Facebook and Instagram profiles for Bialetti Stores, where colour and dynamism dominate, with animated videos and gifs that enhance the product lines, and where various sponsorships have been planned, on selected contents of the editorial plan. Direct contact with Bialetti Card holders is ensured by a DEM system that not only gives users offers, but also thematic reviews (for example, a collection of products inspired by Italian cities). And since the goal is to entice more shoppers to the stores, we opted for a series of videos to be viewed in them, to highlight news and promotions.