Combining 300 pharmacies, with different cash systems, into a single loyalty plan, suitable for the most traditional and less connected customers too: this is the challenge from which the project that Olojin has developed for Farmacisti Preparatori, a brand of the company Unifarco, was born.
We have responded to this necessity with a structure that, in addition to allowing the execution of the rewards contests, would offer customers of pharmacies a personal area. From this area they can verify their data (normalized according to the rules of GDPR), check the points balance and book the rewards through cloud browser.
The pharmacists, from their private access, can insert the customer’s registration, even if without a mail adress, and the loading of points corresponding to each purchase; while Unifarco, through the administrator access, manages the unified rewards catalog and the accesses of individual pharmacies.
The system, born from our MegaDesk platform, also allows the sending of personalized emails and the analysis of the public and the performance of individual pharmacies through ad hoc widgets. The collection of loyalty points can also be customized according to specific marketing needs, for example by rewarding certain actions of the customers or their anniversary of registration.
The creation of personalised segments, clusters and specific actions will also allow the development of communications based on marketing automation.
Customization spaces are left to individual pharmacies, to give the personal area of their customers a more familiar image.
What was missing to make the project more complete? A user manual, prepared to train individual pharmacists and Unifarco staff and make them independent in the management of the platform.
For us, this also means working in an ethical way.