The best way to guarantee a certain answer to your promotions? Customize them.
This was Crai's need, that asked us for an additional tool to improve the loyalty of its customers, whether they were active or dormant, through a personalized coupon system.
We therefore activated a system of couponing and DEM in which the coupons, that are made available by Crai for different targets, are sent in a personalized manner, according to the user's preferences, thus allowing a higher opening and redemption rate, compared to a simple bulk mailing.
Thanks to the detailed shipping reports that our platform makes available, subsequent shipments are then recalibrated for even better performance.
Coupons shipping is just one of many loyalty tools that Olojin provide its customers with.
The use of more and more customized communications, rewarding plans and strategies that work on customization, allows us to build a path that increasingly strengthens the bond between the company and the customer.
Here are some results achieved thanks to our loyalty programs activated on our platforms:
Getting acquiented with your customers, after all, is worthwhile, and not only for customers.